• Good News

Iggy Dasigan

Turtle along the street

Hi! This afternoon, while I was on my way to my house from school, I found this tortoise crawling along the street, at the center most part where it could be crashed by passing vehicles. Fortunately, I came along.
Being good to unharmful animals is nice...I remember that advice from wise people.
I let got it and let it go to the side of the road near the swamp where it could live...for so many days...
I wish all of us were like that! 🤗💞


  • Iggy Dasigan
    Jan 27, 2021 15:34
    Let's keep the earth living ❤️
  • Kyungg
    Jan 26, 2021 22:43
    So kind of you<3 Godbless!
  • Hot Mama
    Jan 25, 2021 20:48