• Good News

Kevin Gonzales

We can be a Nurse in our own ways during this Covid-19 Pandemic

We can be a Nurse by our own - during this Pandemic -Covid-19 

We already know that Corona Virus greatly affects our lives but we can be a Nurse by our own by taking care ourselves and sharing the good news that we can fight this by keeping ourselves healthy.

We need to educate people that hand washing and social distancing, also wearing of protective gears will help us prevent to be infected, also it shows how we care to each other. 

I believe that all of us can suprassed this Pandemic, all we need to do is cooperate and be compassionate to care for the others as we take care of ourselves. 


  • Aeon Benavente
    Aug 18, 2020 17:57
    Manga ilang beses nadin po ako nag kokoment
  • Aeon Benavente
    Aug 18, 2020 17:56
    Ako po sali skin po ni fanny Yung royal po Kasi po Wala po along skin ni fanny po
  • Marzkie Fernando
    Aug 18, 2020 15:04
    ID 252429115