• Good News

Wendell Moldes


Have you experienced being hopeless, being an over-thinker and being lonely? 
Have you questioned yourself about your purpose? Or have you been in a situation wherein you were asked by someone for an advice? Were you able to empathize? 
Of course, none of us have lived a perfect life away from sadness and loneliness. But the question is, do you really know how to cope with these situations? 
It is hard to think if you were to experience any form of sadness. Most especially, if you do not have a certain someone to talk with regarding this issue. If you are experiencing it right now or one of your friends have been experiencing this challenge in their life, these are the best five steps to follow to overcome these kinds of struggles.
1. Look for a supporter/empathize
There are instances in our lives that we only want to have someone whom we can vent our issues with, may it be at home or just about yourself. It will always be hard and it will always be part of our lives. Having the fact that you are experiencing it right now, you must not dwell on it and keep on diverting your focus to the person who has your back. Never think of the number of people supporting you, one is enough to encourage and fill you with positive thoughts in order for you to overcome the challenge that you are going through. Just like when the artists perform, they often look to those who claps and ignores those who criticize. As the saying goes, be an egg, not a potato. The heat that serves as the challenge in your life should harden you rather than soften you. 
2. Be positive
God created you because you have a purpose. The moment that you are alive today makes you more blessed than anyone else. Life itself is already challenging so focus on your craft and think of life as your masterpiece. Instead of putting your mind on the rocks being thrown at you, the ones being thrown at should learn how to build something out of it. These criticisms will be your support to overcome a harder weather in your life and to become stronger in achieving your goals.

3. Think of God's greatness
There are situations in our lives where we question God why us. Indeed, all of us have been in the same spot for once in our lives. But this should not be a reason for us to walk away about the greatness of God. God is good, and he will always be in control of everything. Remember that you will not be tested to make you weaker, rather, stronger. You are God's masterpiece, created out of value, love, and skill.
4. Life is all about learning
Life is a gift. Having the chance of waking up in the morning is already a blessing from God. So, the best way to be grateful about it is to seized every moment and opportunities that you are about to meet. Fright will not give us anything. According to 2 Timothy 1:7 
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self- discipline." This verse only tells us that God will always be there to strengthen and not to harm us. So, absorb the positive and let go of the things that will poison our minds.
5. Serve God
God created everything with purpose, so never take credit of your achievements. Many people were praying for strength but God chose to give His grace on you. You are here, because God believes that you can surpass everything. You can achieve everything if you think that God got you. You will be successful if you will believe that God is always in control. Please him, and your life will be bountiful. Praise him, and He will honor you. Life is all about serving God and that what makes life complete.
Life may seem to be not perfect for us but always remember that these challenges made life fair to everyone. No one have ever been alive dealing only with success and happiness. Challenges are part of our growth. It strengthens the mind, faith, and soul.
