• Good News

Samuel Caoagdan

what MONEY wants?

Why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom, when they are not able to understand it? -Proverbs 17:16

What is the meaning of money if the holder is ignorant? One of the practical things that we can learn is not to give money to fools. Choose with whom you will give money, will you give it to the wise or the ignorant?  You might just waste your money if its not in the hand of a wise.

Many people do not know how to handle money wisely, a lot of people when blessed with a lot of money turns to be a "one day millionaire" they buy this and that, they want this and so on and so fort until all of their money is spend and back to poverty again. I'm not saying that you're not going to enjoy what you have worked for but at least learn to adjust within your means and also don't just spent learn to save and invest.

Also what i have observe with other people is that when they have a lot of money or they become rich their behavior also change. they tend to be boastful and hard to reach.
don't be like that, if you want your money to stay with you don't change your attitude stay humble and share the blessing that you have and God will continue to pour out the blessing upon you.

Here is another thing, if you want to attract money and if you money to stay with you be wise in handling money. Who do you think attract money? Of course those people who knows how to make a living, people who work eagerly, people who knows how to do business, people who are into investment and people who knows how to value every single penny.

So be wise in handling money, spend money wisely and it will never leave you.
