• Good News


When You Become a Fan

When you become a fan, you love unconditionally. 

Yes! I became a fan of basketball because of Kobe Bryant. I saw him play for the first time during the Beijing Olympics (way back in my high school days) and I really thought "He is so cool!" From then on, I've dreamed of going to any of his fan signing of his shoe-line and even as far as going to one of his NBA games in LA. Haha! Yes, impossible for a poor girl like me, but I've come to admire him so much that even when I've met my husband year 2014, I wanted to buy Kobe shoes and have it signed for real! Then even dreamed of going to LA with my husband when we have enough savings and watch even just one game!

Unfortunately, I've never done any of those. Then here comes year 2020. (sigh) Can't even continue writing this but if you are a fan too, you'd know how I feel now...

Yeah, when you become a fan, you love unconditionally and their passing affects you so much.
