• Good News

Will pandemics ever end?

Will pandemics ever end?

The Bible foretold that pestilences (widespread diseases, including pandemics) would occur during the last days. (Luke 21:11) Such pandemics are not divine retribution or punishment from God. In fact, by means of his Kingdom, God will soon put an end to all health problems, including pandemics.

The Bible reports a few occasions when God used sickness to punish people. For example, he caused some individuals to have leprosy. (Numbers 12:1-16; 2 Kings 5:20-27; 2 Chronicles 26:16-21) However, these isolated incidents were not indiscriminate pandemics that spread to innocent people. Rather, such events were specific judgments on individuals who had clearly rebelled against God.

 The Bible foretells a time in the near future when no one will be sick. Under the rule of his Kingdom, God will cure all health problems. (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6) He will do away with suffering, pain, and death. (Revelation 21:4) And he will bring back to life those who have died so that they can enjoy good health here on earth under perfect conditions.—Psalm 37:29; Acts 24:15.
