Steps to see what your angel wants you to know : 1. Look at the time right now. (It can also be a number you always see or the number you love) 2. Write it down. 3. Open Google. 4. Type Angel Number + The number you have written down 5. You'll see what your angel wants to tell you. READ BELOW ABOUT ANGEL NUMBERS: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Below is an article from: Sagegoddess website You are a magical creature living in an enchanted world of possibility. You aren’t sure you’ve communicated with angels, perhaps? I would suggest to you that you communicate with angels all the time – probably more often than you recognize. Every single person has a connection to the spiritual realm. Angels don’t communicate in words. They communicate through numeric sequences aligned to specific energetic frequencies, each one a messenger carrying important wisdom you need right now. Through number sequences, your angels also activate light codes necessary to support your soul’s development. Some say you become aware of angel numbers when new energetic codes become available to you – codes that can be used for healing, manifestation, and creation. Numbers are similar in nature to the vibrational frequency of the angelic realm. When you notice an angel number or sequence of numbers, you become conscious of your own evolution. What a powerful way to track your spiritual progress! Numbers are the language of the Universe. In ancient times, numbers were considered secret messages taught by philosophers and early doctors of medicine to represent a hidden language of energy, frequency, and vibration. They are found at the core of everything – from sound to energy movement to sacred geometry, the human body, and so much more. Numbers can be found in the make-up and chemistry of everything we hold sacred and true. They vibrate on a level that constructs worlds, which is why they are an essential means of communicating with the ethereal realm. Each number has its own vibrational frequency, carrying messages that we can interpret from the Divine. When you observe repeating numbers or numbers in a sequence, you are receiving Divine guidance. These patterns and sequences are referred to as Angel Numbers. You also have your own personal angel number and a guardian angel associated with it who is especially attuned to you. When the angels are communicating and attempting to get your attention, you will begin noticing repeating and sequential numbers such as 444 or 567 when looking at the time, license plate numbers, house numbers, receipts, book pages, or any other place numbers are used. Read More Here: